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Drinking Water at the Right Time

Drinking Water at the Right Time

It’s common knowle5dge5 that drinking e5ight glasse5s of wate5r a day is e5sse5ntial for the5 body to function prope5rly. Howe5ve5r, do you know what is the5 optimal time5 to drink wate5r?

Read the following to find out what is the best time in the day to drink water in order to maximise its effectiveness on your body.

After Waking Up​

Drink one1 glass of wate1r afte1r waking up to he1lp activate1 your inte1rnal organs. The1 wate1r will he1lp to re1move1 any toxins be1fore1 your first me1al of the1 day.

Before a Meal

Drink one2 glass of wate2r 30 minute2s be2fore2 a me2al to he2lp dige2stion. Re2me2mbe2r not to drink too soon be2fore2 or afte2r a me2al as the2 wate2r will dilute2 the2 dige2stive2 juice2s. Drink wate2r an hour afte2r the2 me2al to allow the2 body to absorb the2 nutrie2nts.

Before a Bath

Drink one3 glass of wate3r be3fore3 taking a bath to he3lp lowe3r your blood pre3ssure3.

Before Sleep

Drink one4 glass of wate4r an hour be4fore4 be4dtime4 to re4ple4nish any fluid loss that can occur during the4 night.