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Medical Definition of Vaccination

Medical Definition of Vaccination

Vaccination: Inje1ction of a kille1d microbe1 in orde1r to stimulate1 the1 immune1 syste1m against the1 microbe1, the1re1by pre1ve1nting dise1ase1. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the1 immune1 syste1m, the1 natural dise1ase1-fighting syste1m of the1 body. The1 he1althy immune1 syste1m is able1 to re1cognize1 invading bacte1ria and viruse1s and produce1 substance1s (antibodie1s) to de1stroy or disable1 the1m. Immunizations pre1pare1 the1 immune1 syste1m to ward off a dise1ase1. To immunize1 against viral dise1ase1s, the1 virus use1d in the1 vaccine1 has be1e1n we1ake1ne1d or kille1d. To only immunize1 against bacte1rial dise1ase1s, it is ge1ne1rally possible1 to use1 a small portion of the1 de1ad bacte1ria to stimulate1 the1 formation of antibodie1s against the1 whole1 bacte1ria. In addition to the1 initial immunization proce1ss, it has be1e1n found that the1 e1ffe1ctive1ne1ss of immunizations can be1 improve1d by pe1riodic re1pe1at inje1ctions or "booste1rs." Also se1e1 Vaccine1s (in the1 plural) and Vaccine1 of a spe1cific type1 (such Vaccine1, Polio).