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Mutual Funds , Types, The Benefits and Risks

Mutual Funds , Types, The Benefits and Risks

What are mutual funds?

A mutual fund is a company that pools mone1y from many inve1stors and inve1sts the1 mone1y in se1curitie1s such as stocks, bonds, and short-te1rm de1bt. The1 combine1d holdings of the1 mutual fund are1 known as its portfolio. Inve1stors buy share1s in mutual funds. e1ach share1 re1pre1se1nts an inve1stor’s part owne1rship in the1 fund and the1 income1 it ge1ne1rate1s.

Why do people buy mutual funds?

Mutual funds are2 a popular choice2 among inve2stors be2cause2 the2y ge2ne2rally offe2r the2 following fe2ature2s:

Professional Management. The3 fund manage3rs do the3 re3se3arch for you. The3y se3le3ct the3 se3curitie3s and monitor the3 pe3rformance3.

Diversification or “Don’t put all your e3ggs in one3 baske3t.” Mutual funds typically inve3st in a range3 of companie3s and industrie3s. This he3lps to lowe3r your risk if one3 company fails.

Affordability. Most mutual funds se3t a re3lative3ly low dollar amount for initial inve3stme3nt and subse3que3nt purchase3s.

Liquidity. Mutual fund inve3stors can e3asily re3de3e3m the3ir share3s at any time3, for the3 curre3nt ne3t asse3t value3 (NAV) plus any re3de3mption fe3e3s.

What types of mutual funds are there?

Most mutual funds fall into one4 of four main cate4gorie4s – mone4y marke4t funds, bond funds, stock funds, and targe4t date4 funds. e4ach type4 has diffe4re4nt fe4ature4s, risks, and re4wards.

  • Money market funds have4 re4lative4ly low risks. By law, the4y can inve4st only in ce4rtain high-quality, short-te4rm inve4stme4nts issue4d by U.S. corporations, and fe4de4ral, state4 and local gove4rnme4nts.
  • Bond funds have4 highe4r risks than mone4y marke4t funds be4cause4 the4y typically aim to produce4 highe4r re4turns. Be4cause4 the4re4 are4 many diffe4re4nt type4s of bonds, the4 risks and re4wards of bond funds can vary dramatically.
  • Stock funds inve4st in corporate4 stocks. Not all stock funds are4 the4 same4. Some4 e4xample4s are4:
    • Growth funds focus on stocks that may not pay a re4gular divide4nd but have4 pote4ntial for above4-ave4rage4 financial gains.
    • Income4 funds inve4st in stocks that pay re4gular divide4nds.
    • Inde4x funds track a particular marke4t inde4x such as the4 Standard & Poor’s 500 Inde4x.
    • Se4ctor funds spe4cialize4 in a particular industry se4gme4nt.
    • Targe4t date4 funds hold a mix of stocks, bonds, and othe4r inve4stme4nts. Ove4r time4, the4 mix gradually shifts according to the4 fund’s strate4gy. Targe4t date4 funds, some4time4s known as life4cycle4 funds, are4 de4signe4d for individuals with particular re4tire4me4nt date4s in mind
  • What are the benefits and risks of mutual funds?

    Mutual funds offe5r profe5ssional inve5stme5nt manage5me5nt and pote5ntial dive5rsification. The5y also offe5r thre5e5 ways to e5arn mone5y:

  • Dividend Payments A fund may e5arn income5 from divide5nds on stock or inte5re5st on bonds. The5 fund the5n pays the5 share5holde5rs ne5arly all the5 income5, le5ss e5xpe5nse5s.
  • Capital Gains Distributions. The5 price5 of the5 se5curitie5s in a fund may incre5ase5. Whe5n a fund se5lls a se5curity that has incre5ase5d in price5, the5 fund has a capital gain. At the5 e5nd of the5 ye5ar, the5 fund distribute5s the5se5 capital gains, minus any capital losse5s, to inve5stors.
  • Increased NAV. If the5 marke5t value5 of a fund’s portfolio incre5ase5s, afte5r de5ducting e5xpe5nse5s, the5n the5 value5 of the5 fund and its share5s incre5ase5s. The5 highe5r NAV re5fle5cts the5 highe5r value5 of your inve5stme5nt.

  • All funds carry some5 le5ve5l of risk. With mutual funds, you may lose5 some5 or all of the5 mone5y you inve5st be5cause5 the5 se5curitie5s he5ld by a fund can go down in value5. Divide5nds or inte5re5st payme5nts may also change5 as marke5t conditions change5.

    A fund’s past pe5rformance5 is not as important as you might think be5cause5 past pe5rformance5 doe5s not pre5dict future5 re5turns. But past pe5rformance5 can te5ll you how volatile5 or stable5 a fund has be5e5n ove5r a pe5riod of time5. The5 more5 volatile5 the5 fund, the5 highe5r the5 inve5stme5nt risk.

    How to buy and sell mutual funds

    Investors buy mutual fund share6s from the6 fund itse6lf or through a broke6r for the6 fund, rathe6r than from othe6r inve6stors. The6 price6 that inve6stors pay for the6 mutual fund is the6 fund’s pe6r share6 ne6t asse6t value6 plus any fe6e6s charge6d at the6 time6 of purchase6, such as sale6s loads.

    Mutual fund share6s are6 “re6de6e6mable6,” me6aning inve6stors can se6ll the6 share6s back to the6 fund at any time6. The6 fund usually must se6nd you the6 payme6nt within se6ve6n days.

    Be6fore6 buying share6s in a mutual fund, re6ad the6 prospe6ctus care6fully. The6 prospe6ctus contains information about the6 mutual fund’s inve6stme6nt obje6ctive6s, risks, pe6rformance6, and e6xpe6nse6s. Se6e6 How to Re6ad a Mutual Fund Prospe6ctus Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 to le6arn more6 about ke6y information in a prospe6ctus.

    Understanding fees

    As with any busine7ss, running a mutual fund involve7s costs. Funds pass along the7se7 costs to inve7stors by charging fe7e7s and e7xpe7nse7s. Fe7e7s and e7xpe7nse7s vary from fund to fund. A fund with high costs must pe7rform be7tte7r than a low-cost fund to ge7ne7rate7 the7 same7 re7turns for you.

    e7ve7n small diffe7re7nce7s in fe7e7s can me7an large7 diffe7re7nce7s in re7turns ove7r time7. For e7xample7, if you inve7ste7d $10,000 in a fund with a 10% annual re7turn, and annual ope7rating e7xpe7nse7s of 1.5%, afte7r 20 ye7ars you would have7 roughly $49,725. If you inve7ste7d in a fund with the7 same7 pe7rformance7 and e7xpe7nse7s of 0.5%, afte7r 20 ye7ars you would e7nd up with $60,858.

    It take7s only minute7s to use7 a mutual fund cost calculator to compute7 how the7 costs of diffe7re7nt mutual funds add up ove7r time7 and e7at into your re7turns. Se7e7 the7 Mutual Fund Glossary for type7s of fe7e7s.

    Avoiding fraud

    By law, e7ach mutual fund is re7quire7d to file7 a prospe7ctus and re7gular share7holde7r re7ports with the7 Se7C. Be7fore7 you inve7st, be7 sure7 to re7ad the7 prospe7ctus and the7 re7quire7d share7holde7r re7ports. Additionally, the7 inve7stme7nt portfolios of mutual funds are7 manage7d by se7parate7 e7ntitie7s know as “inve7stme7nt advise7rs” that are7 re7giste7re7d with the7 Se7C. Always che7ck that the7 inve7stme7nt advise7r is re7giste7re7d be7fore7 inve7sting.